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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Cooliris' logo. Click here to visit the Cooliris website! PRESS RELEASE: Cooliris V.1.11: Smooth, Cultivated, And Fully Integrated

Cooliris is all about giving you a super-smooth experience when you’re browsing the web. That’s why in our newest incarnation, version 1.11, we’ve changed the way Cooliris interacts with you in some really fundamental but really important ways.

Multitasking (or, how to do 10,000 things at once, in style)
Let’s face it, we’re all busy people, and we probably have the shortest attention spans in the history of mankind. Never is this more apparent than in our web navigation habits, when we’re trying to juggle work, social networking, entertainment, finances, and news updates. Sometimes there’s blinking between all of those tasks. Sometimes there isn’t.

In light of this, the Cooliris experience now scales to your level of immersion. Full-screen is now an option rather than a default, allowing you to make Cooliris your centerpiece or just another window.

A big change is that Cooliris now features tabbed browsing. This enables you to run multiple instances of the app, and lets you jump freely between Cooliris, other tabs, and desktop programs such as email clients and iTunes. You can even run it in the background as a music player, cycling through your favorite music videos while you work.

Caption. Click for a bigger picture!

Cooliris 1.11's Tabbed and Full Screen views.
Screenshots provided by Cooliris Inc.

A URL for every occasion, and content sharing!

With Cooliris available in tab, there’s now a URL for any item or Wall of content. What does this mean?

  • Set a 3D Wall view as your homepage to have your favorite photo and video search results and all the latest news and entertainment right at your fingertips, every time you fire up your browser!

  • Bookmark single items or an entire Wall to your browser, so you can quickly relocate photo albums from your local computer drive or photo sites such as Flickr.

  • Even share your 3D Wall with friends by giving them its URL.

Sharing your 3D Wall is super easy. Here’s how to give it try: (1) View a Wall of public content as you normally would; (2) copy its unique URL from your browser’s address bar; and (3) paste it anywhere you’d like, such as in your blog post or email, Twitter, Facebook, you name it. When your friends or readers click the link, they will see your Wall in Cooliris (or be prompted to download Cooliris if they don’t already have it).

But wait, there's more!
For Flickr aficionados, Cooliris now allows all photos on a single Wall to be complete with title, author, description, and tags, and can jump between sets and pools. And on MySpace, you can now enjoy photos from any page in a streaming content wall.

There’s a whole set of new interface revamps as well, giving you smoother, more apparent scrolling and niftier navigation options.

Our brand new version 1.11 is now available at www.cooliris.com for Firefox (Windows, Mac, Linux) and Internet Explorer. A beta version for Safari (Mac) is also available. On Vimeo is a quick video run-through of how you can start using Cooliris v1.11. Enjoy!

(First posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 15:52 EDT)

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