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Sony MVC-CD250

Sony adds features, and brings the price down on a 2 megapixel CD Mavica!

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Page 12:Test Results & Conclusion

Review First Posted: 02/20/2002

Test Results
I only received my test unit of the CD250 a few days before its public announcement, so haven't had time to put together a full sample pictures page yet. (Stay tuned, I should have a full set of test photos up in a few days.) I can say though, that color looks very good, although noise is a tad high. - This could be a consequence of the prototype status of the unit I tested though, so final judgment will have to wait until I can get my hands on a production model.


Combining the ease of a full automatic, point-and-shoot digicam with the convenience of CD-R image storage, Sony's Mavica MVC-CD250 provides an inexpensive option for CD-R image capture. The camera features the same options and user interface that has made Sony so popular in the digicam arena, making the CD250 yet another welcome addition to the line. Good image quality and the availability of creative shooting modes recommend the CD250 to even the most inexperienced novices. Given the past performance of Sony Mavica digicams, I think the CD250 will do very well for itself.


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