This is the best roundup of iPhone photo editing apps we’ve seen


posted Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 7:04 AM EDT


Reviews of iPhone photo editing apps are a dime a dozen. So why are we bothering to link to yet another such rundown? Simple! The Sweet Setup just published literally the best roundup of iPhone photo editing apps we've seen. Need another reason to take a look? They even interviewed some of the most popular instagram photographers about their workflow and favorite apps. 

DPreview's Connect property has been writing reviews for photo editing apps for a while, but this really goes a step beyond: beautiful layout and photos, salient advice and relevant interviews. If you've wanted to take your iPhone photograph to the next level, this combined app roundup and interview is the best place to start.

This isn't your daddy's 'mobile photography' article.

The focus of the article is a deep dive into their chosen winner, VSCO Cam. Yes, that's the same VSCO you know and love from their excellent Lightroom film plugins. 

VSCO results in triplicate. Photos by (L-R): Cory Staudacher, Kyle Steed, Jorge Quinteros.

If you're already familiar with VSCO Cam, you'll still find value in the section of the article that covers the workflows of "a few talented and popular Instagrammers": editing techniques, apps to use in particular circumstances and philosophies on cellphone photography. We were struck, though, by how familiar many of the pointers were to those of us steeped in photography with standalone cameras:

Take a bunch of photos with different exposures and make sure the photo is in focus. Then, delete the bad ones and narrow it down to a few good ones.


The article only takes a look at the iOS landscape, but within that world, it takes a wide-angle view to analyze the most noteworthy competitors. You'll find valuable info on Afterlight, Snapseed, Filterstorm Neue and of course, the venerable iPhoto.

While the standalone camera market is now dwarfed by smartphones, it's comforting to be reminded that some things don't change; perhaps the best piece of advice from the story is as timeless as the urge to take a photograph:

Don’t overthink anything. Look for good light. Wake up early and see the sunrise.