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ADOBE.GIF Adobe Releases Camera Raw 5.2 for CS4
By Mike Pasini, The Imaging Resource
(Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 12:59 EST)

Support added for seven cameras including the Canon G10 and Panasonic LX3.

Adobe Releases Camera Raw 5.2 for CS4

Late yesterday, Adobe released Camera Raw 5.2 for Creative Suite 4 and DNG Converter 5.2. The new version of Camera Raw replaces the one installed with either CS4 or the latest Photoshop Elements. Among the improvements are:

• Targeted Adjustment Tool for on-image adjustments (scrub directly on the image with your mouse to adjust the specific values)

• Output sharpening for print or screen output

• Snapshots for saving all settings in a single reference

• Camera Profiles for enhanced raw file interpretation now available in the Calibration panel

New Camera Support

In addition, support for the following new cameras was added:

• Canon EOS 5D Mark II

• Canon PowerShot G10

• Panasonic DMC-G1

• Panasonic DMC-FX150

• Panasonic DMC-FZ28

• Panasonic DMC-LX3

• Leica D-LUX 4

According to Adobe, "With the release of Camera Raw 5.2 (and upcoming release of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.2), there is an important exception in DNG file handling for the Panasonic DMC-LX3, Panasonic DMC-FX150, Panasonic DMC-FZ28, Panasonic DMC-G1, and Leica D-LUX 4. For those who choose to convert these native, proprietary files to the DNG file format, a linear DNG format is the only conversion option available at this time. A linear DNG file has gone through a demosaic process that converts a single mosaic layer of red, green, and blue channel information into three distinct layers, one for each channel. The resulting linear DNG file is approximately three times the size of a mosaic DNG file or the original proprietary file format."

That ensures the Panasonic and Leica "intended image rendering from their proprietary raw file format is applied to an image when converted DNG files are viewed in third party software titles. The same image rendering process is applied automatically in Camera Raw 5.2 and in Lightroon 2.2 when viewing the original proprietary raw file format."

Adobe added this exception is a temporary solution that would be resolved by a future update to the DNG specification "to include an option to embed metadata-based representations of the lens compensations in the DNG file, allowing a mosaic DNG conversion."


The 40.8MB Mac version is available on the Mac download page. The 41.5MB DNG Converter 5.2 is available as a separate download.

The 40.1MB Windows version is available on the Windows download page. The 35.1MB DNG Converter 5.2 is available as a separate download.

According to Camera Raw Product Manager Tom Hogarty, "The DNG Converter is now provided with an installer that places the Camera Profiles in a common system location. You can move the DNG Converter application wherever you like after the installation is completed."

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