File: Y-IMG_0326.JPG

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Exif parsing courtesy of Phil Harvey's ExifTool.

  F I L E
FileName Y-IMG_0326.JPG
FileSize 8.8 MB
FileModifyDate 2019:08:21 15:12:05-04:00
FileAccessDate 2019:08:27 02:51:16-04:00
FileInodeChangeDate 2019:08:27 00:02:01-04:00
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  E X I F
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ModifyDate 2019:08:21 15:12:03
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
ExposureTime 1/30
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DateTimeOriginal 2019:08:21 15:12:03
CreateDate 2019:08:21 15:12:03
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LensInfo 18-150mm f/0
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MaxFocalLength 150 mm
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  C O M P O S I T E
Aperture 5.6
ConditionalFEC 0
DriveMode Single-frame Shooting
FlashType Built-In Flash
ISO 1600
ImageSize 6960x4640
Lens 18.0 - 150.0 mm
LensID Canon EF-M 18-150mm 1:3.5-6.3 IS STM
Megapixels 32.3
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ScaleFactor35efl 1.6
ShootingMode Program AE
ShutterCurtainHack 1st-curtain sync
ShutterSpeed 1/30
SubSecCreateDate 2019:08:21 15:12:03.73-05:00
SubSecDateTimeOriginal 2019:08:21 15:12:03.73-05:00
SubSecModifyDate 2019:08:21 15:12:03.73-05:00
CircleOfConfusion 0.019 mm
DOF 0.09 m (0.86 - 0.95 m)
FOV 29.0 deg
FocalLength35efl 43.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 69.5 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 17.76 m
Lens35efl 18.0 - 150.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 29.1 - 242.4 mm)
LightValue 5.9