File: Y-PRT-BASE-GX850-698.JPG

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Exif parsing courtesy of Phil Harvey's ExifTool.

  F I L E
FileName Y-PRT-BASE-GX850-698.JPG
FileSize 8.2 MB
FileModifyDate 2018:05:25 17:55:44-04:00
FileAccessDate 2018:06:15 06:48:43-04:00
FileInodeChangeDate 2018:06:15 06:48:40-04:00
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  E X I F
Make Panasonic
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Software Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 7.3.1 (Macintosh)
ModifyDate 2018:05:25 17:31:09
ExposureTime 1/250
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ISO 200
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DateTimeOriginal 2018:05:09 17:20:52
CreateDate 2018:05:09 17:20:52
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FocalLength 43.0 mm
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  I P T C
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DateCreated 2018:05:09
TimeCreated 17:20:52
DigitalCreationDate 2018:05:09
DigitalCreationTime 17:20:52
  I C C   P R O F I L E
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  X M P
XMPToolkit Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21
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ModifyDate 2018:05:25 17:31:09-04:00
CreateDate 2018:05:09 17:20:52.673
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MetadataDate 2018:05:25 17:31:09-04:00
DateCreated 2018:05:09 17:20:52.673
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  C O M P O S I T E
Aperture 1.7
DateTimeCreated 2018:05:09 17:20:52
DigitalCreationDateTime 2018:05:09 17:20:52
ImageSize 4592x3448
Megapixels 15.8
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ShutterSpeed 1/250
SubSecCreateDate 2018:05:09 17:20:52.673
SubSecDateTimeOriginal 2018:05:09 17:20:52.673
CircleOfConfusion 0.015 mm
FOV 23.6 deg
FocalLength35efl 43.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 86.0 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 72.40 m
LightValue 8.5