New iPhone 5 looks suspiciously like Canon DSLR in (satirical) commercial


posted Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 9:15 AM EDT


As usual, the pre-release buzz for whatever new iPhone that Apple might be planning to release this year has reached a fever pitch. Consider this parody commercial (below), which imagines Apple's new iPhone 5 not so much as a phone but as a digital SLR. (And one that looks suspiciously like a Canon product.)

The fake ad, produced by video artist Adam Sacks, surmises that since most people use their iPhones for taking pictures of their food and posting to Instagram, the new Apple device should just be a DSLR camera.

The new iPhone 5, according to the commercial, even includes a 50mm Macro lens and boasts a maximum ISO of 6400 for shooting in dimly lit basement restaurants. Meanwhile, Siri's been redesigned to "recognize the food you photograph and suggest fun captions that will imply a life worth living."


Funny stuff but considering how much we liked the camera in the iPhone 4S, we wouldn't be surprised if Apple further ramps up the picture-taking capabilities in the iPhone 5. (But perhaps not to this extent.)

(Via Gizmodo)