Photographer seeks to identify handcuffed couple in striking photo of kiss during arrest (UPDATE: Woman has been ID’d!)
posted Thursday, September 6, 2012 at 8:42 AM EST
Take a look at the couple in this amazing photo. Do you know who they are?

Photographer Mo Gelber says he shot the image outside of the Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City recently and needs to identify them in order to qualify for a photo contest he entered.
(UPDATE: The woman in the photo, Alexis Creque, 28, contacted Gelber and identified herself. She was released from jail but her boyfriend is still locked up and she is refusing to identify him. He is facing charges of writing grafitti; Creque was the alleged look-out. The contest Gelber entered the photo in is Canon's Project Imaginat10n, which is being overseen by Ron Howard. More details at NY Daily News.)
After sharing the photo on his Facebook page in mid-August, the image went viral yesterday when it appeared on the popular Humans of New York page, earning over 17,000 likes and nearly 2,000 shares.
The posting on Humans of New York has also led to some controversy, with a few commenters charging that the cinematic-worthy image was staged. According to Gelber though, it's a real shot and the couple was arrested for "for writing on other peoples stuff."
Either way, it's an wonderful photo of a perfectly timed moment. If you know who the couple is, you can contact Mo via his Facebook page.