Imaging companies join in with Hurricane Sandy relief efforts
posted Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 3:36 PM EST

The recent double-whammy of Hurricane Sandy and the Nor'easter that followed just days later has left parts of the northeastern United States reeling. More than 100 people have died, and entire communities were wiped from the map by the combination of powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surge flooding, and fires that raged out of control. A recent Washington Post article suggests that Sandy ranks among the most damaging hurricanes in living memory, and in hard-hit New York and New Jersey in particular, tens of thousands are left homeless.
In times like this, it's important that we come together to help those in need, and our hearts have been warmed by news that several iconic names in the imaging industry have done just that. Canon, Nikon, and Samsung -- all of whom have their US headquarters in New York and New Jersey -- have each made sizable donations to the relief efforts in the last couple of weeks.

Others have played their part in different ways, too. Sigma, for example, has pledged to handle repair of its camera gear under warranty, even where the damage was caused by Hurricane Sandy. Sigma -- whose US headquarters is also in New York -- asks for proof of warranty coverage, but goes on to suggest that photographers who've lost this documentation due to the hurricane should still contact them for assistance. If your Sigma gear was damaged in Hurricane Sandy, or you know of anybody in this situation, you've until year's end to get in touch with the company for help.
Of course, helping with the recovery effort is not just a task for big corporations. Individuals can make a big difference, too. If you'd like to help, you can make donations or volunteer your time through charitable organizations such as the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Feeding America, United Way, or your favorite charity.
(Images courtesy of NASA)