American astronaut also tweeting spectacular photos of earth from International Space Station
posted Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 7:52 PM EST

Remember that Canadian astronaut we told you about last week who was tweeting some spectacular images of earth shot from on board the International Space Station (ISS)? Well, apparently there's another astronaut shutterbug on board the ISS and he's also sharing his out-of-this-world space pix on Twitter.
American Thomas H. Marshburn, a NASA astronaut, has also been shooting with the Nikon digital SLRs on board the ISS, along with some considerably bigger cameras (see below).
You can follow Marshburn and check out his latest space photos at his Twitter account: @AstroMarshburn
See some of his images, along with his Twitter captions, below.

"Here’s our beautiful spaceship docked to the ISS. What a great way to arrive."

"Bigger than ur average camera! This one's 4 monitoring Earth 4 disaster relief support & environmental impact changes."

"Was greeted this AM by some spectacular hues. U can always tell ur over Australia by the brilliant brick red color."

"Awoke this morning to see a volcano on Kyushu Island in S Japan."