Nikon S800c review: Can the first Android-based camera outsmart the smartphone?
posted Monday, April 22, 2013 at 10:52 AM EST

In the fall of 2012, headlines trumpeted the debut of the Nikon S800c, the first smart camera to be launched by a mainstream manufacturer. Based around Google's Android operating system, the Nikon S800c is a shot across the bows of smartphone photography. By pairing the soul of a smartphone with the body of a digital camera, the S800c aims to take the humble digicam to the next level, turning it into a capture, editing, and sharing powerhouse.
But revolution is risky business: the Nikon S800c sails in uncharted waters, facing new obstacles along the way. For the smartphone, photography is clearly secondary, and that makes it easier to forgive its photographic shortcomings. No such luck for the S800c: Not only must it house a full-blown, app-ready operating system, but it must do so while still feeling first and foremost like a photographic tool. That's a pretty big ask.
Can Nikon succeed with its first salvo, or will the Nikon S800c stumble out of the gates? Read our Nikon S800c review, and find out!