Beautiful space photography: Part art, part science, part imagination (VIDEO)


posted Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 3:59 PM EDT


We feature a remarkable amount of space photography on Imaging Resource mostly because we love it and our readers seem to enjoy it as well. Along with the sheer beauty of some of these images, we love space photos because they combine several of our interests -- science, art and the amazing mystery of the universe. 

Now the PBS Off Book web-original series has turned its attention to intergalactic imagery with this terrific video, titled "The Beauty of Space Photography." The six-minute short (embedded below) explores why we're so fascinated with space photography and some of the tools that help create it, including cameras attached to powerful telescopes on Earth and in space, such as the venerable Hubble.

The video features interviews with Emily Rice of the American Museum of Natural History, Zolt Levay of the Space Telescope Science Institute and David Hogg of New York University. And, of course, there are tons of beautiful space photos.

(Via Photojojo)