Samsung NX300 review: Early image quality analysis serves notice that Samsung is a force to be reckoned with
posted Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 8:37 AM EST

The Samsung NX300 compact system camera appears to be a very promising entry in the mirrorless market. In fact, with this model, Samsung is serving notice to the old-school camera makers that they're in the market to stay, and a force to be reckoned with.
The extensive testing, vetting and double-checking that we do for our reviews often results in a rather exhaustive review process, sometimes making it a long time between our receipt of a camera and the posting of the final review. Moving forward, we'd like to take you along for the ride as we review some of the more significant cameras in the market -- by posting our initial impressions and test results as early as possible rather than forcing you to wait for our complete and final verdict.
I spent a little time recently examining the test images we shot in the IR Lab with the Samsung NX300, comparing them closely with two other compact interchangeable-lens models that I felt compete in the same space with it. The Canon SL1 is a new super-compact conventional DSLR with an APS-C sensor, while the Olympus OM-D E-M5 is a Micro Four Thirds model, and arguably one of the best mirrorless cameras on the market. (It was our pick for 2012 Camera of the Year in the compact system category.)
Check out our Samsung NX300 review page to read our Initial Image Quality Report and see how the camera's photos stack up against those from these two tough competitors. The results are very surprising indeed.