Lightroom 5 update on the way with fixes for launch issues
posted Monday, July 29, 2013 at 4:28 PM EST

Early last month, Adobe shipped Lightroom 5, a major update to its photographer-centric imaging application. The update had lots to love, with new features including smart previews for offline image editing, automatic horizon and perspective correction, and a more advanced healing brush. Unfortunately, with so much changing it also introduced a number of new bugs, as acknowledged just days later by Adobe. Fear not, though -- a fix is on the way!
Bugs introduced with Lightroom 5 include user-created presets disappearing along with the initial catalog upgrade, selections in the filmstrip and grid view conflicting when working on a Publish collection, and images exported at less than one-third of their original size not obeying their sharpening and noise reduction settings.
A post late last week on the Lightroom Journal blog suggests that these so-called Hot Issues will be fixed some time this week, courtesy of a new Lightroom update. If you've been putting off upgrading because of the issues, now might be the time to have your credit card handy. And if you've already upgraded, but had switched back to Lightroom 4 temporarily, then you should be able to make the jump to the newer release in not too much longer.
Either way, you may want to familiarize yourself with some of the new features, with 10 Lightroom tips in 10 minutes, courtesy of Adobe's Julieanne Kost.
(via Photo Rumors)