Watch Sigma’s live PhotoPlus webcasts today: Advanced Portrait Techniques—Posing, Bokeh and Composition
posted Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 3:08 PM EST

Friday is the second day of the PhotoPlus Expo in New York, an annual tradeshow that's rare in catering not just to those manufacturing and reporting on all the latest photo gear, but also to the photographers who'll be using it. For those who can't attend, leading lens and camera manufacturer Sigma has come to the rescue.
You can watch a live webcast of Sigma's tutorial sessions, straight from the show floor. Throughout all three days (yesterday, today and Saturday) of the PhotoPlus Expo, you'll be able to watch Sigma's tutorials live and in their entirety, from the comfort of your home or office computer. You can look forward to nine sessions with photographers Kevin Ames, Lindsay Adler, and Jennifer Rozenbaum that should help you improve your photography, and let you see how the pros get the shots they're after!
To make things even easier, we've embedded Sigma's webcast here. Simply bookmark this page, and you can come straight back to it for the live sessions, which start at 11 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time today! Here's today's schedule (all times are ET):
Posing vs. Editing
As photographers, we have very powerful editing tools, but not always a ton of time. In this segment, Jen will show some easy posing fixes to help get your models (or clients) looking their best. Why spend time in front of the computer fixing it later, when you can easily fix it on the spot.
1:00 p.m.: KEVIN AMES
Making Bokeh
Bokeh is Japanese for blur. So how does blur transform into those beautiful round glowy highlights? Sigma Pro Kevin Ames explains and demonstrates the set-up of the model, photographer and selecting the right lens for the job.
3:00 p.m.: LINDSAY ADLER
The "One-Two Punch"
Close-up and Full Length. When Lindsay shoots a subject she usually pairs two images together -- a close-up and a full length shot to tell the story of the person or fashion she’s photographing. Here she will discuss how posing, composition and lens choice vary between the two shots and how she pairs them for high impact results!
Below is the schedule for the sessions on Saturday (the last day of the show). Again, all times are U.S. Eastern:
11:00 a.m.: LINDSAY ADLER
Analyze to Get the Shot!
Lindsay will show how she analyzes a scene and subject, deconstructs the scene, and makes essential photographic choices including lighting, lens choice and posing. No one photographic solution fits every scene and subject, so you must be able to determine your goals and how to reach them.
Posing Flow
In this segment, Jen will show how to get the most bang from your buck with each pose. Learning a posing flow will help get more great shots in less time, which allows the photographer to make more money too!
3:00 p.m.: KEVIN AMES
Exposing Exposure
The perfect exposure sets up optimal performance from any lens. Sigma Pro Kevin Ames coaches in the easy way to get it along with perfect color while shooting Sigma’s versatile zoom lenses. Watch it live from the expo flow in our streaming webcast!