Muvee updates consumer-friendly slideshow app
posted Saturday, December 28, 2013 at 5:40 PM EST

Find editing your photos and home movies to be tedious, but don't want to leave them languishing unseen on your computer? The solution could be to feed them into an app which automatically creates an edited slideshow clip from your stills and videos, all with a minimum of fuss. That's what muvee Reveal is designed to do, and it's just been updated with a new release.
Muvee Reveal 11 is the first major overhaul to the app since 2011's Reveal X, and it brings quite a few new features. There are a selection of new title options that aim for a professional look, including Action, Family, Romance, Suspense, and Urban Chic. (You can see these previewed in the clip below.) You can also apply various "stickers" to your photos, and save them for sharing on Facebook before importing them into a slideshow.
Perhaps cooler, though, are the ability to tweak and save styles (adjusting things like fonts, background colors, filter colors, and pace settings), and to prioritize media for use in the piece from a single page. You can also now edit videos collaboratively, exporting a project as a zip file for another user to import and edit locally. And muvee Reveal 11 also adds the ability to extract still frames from videos, which can be saved locally or used in a slideshow project.
You can also now export directly to Vimeo, and draw on your photos. And since finding music that can be used without fear of copyright issues can be a big hassle for consumers, a music library licensed from Rumblefish is provided.
Is it as powerful and personalized as editing in high-end video and still imaging apps aimed at enthusiasts and pros? No, but that's not really the point -- ease of use is. A 15-day time-limited trial is available, but note that this won't allow export of clips longer than 60 seconds, and doesn't support AC3 audio. Pricing is set at US$60 for a download-only version plus a further US$8 for one year of extended downloads, and USS$14 for physical media. More details can be found on the Muvee website.