Zenfolio goes Raw, will now let you upload uncompressed files
posted Friday, February 28, 2014 at 2:34 PM EST

If you're a paying Zenfolio member, then your account just got a little more useful—you can now upload Raw files directly to your portfolio, and share them however you want. So if you need to share the uncompressed image with a collaborator, or have arranged to pass on your .DNG to a client, you can now rely on Zenfolio to do that.
However, with the large file sizes associated with Raw, there are a couple of things that you need to be aware of. If you go over your allotted storage space, you'll be charged $0.085 per gigabyte per month. Files also max out at 2GB in size, so no uploading Raw gigapixel images, or anything. Unfortunately, the Raw functionality is for everyone except those who have a "basic" account.
Zenfolio isn't the only site to allow Raw uploads. SmugMug does, and so does Google+. And if you don't need a hosting solution at the same time, you can always just use a generic cloud storage tool like Dropbox.
But, for those who are already onboard with Zenfolio, this adds a nice extra bit of functionality.
(via Reddit)