Captivating Kazakhstan timelapse lifts the veil of light pollution, shows the Milky Way in all its glory
posted Monday, June 9, 2014 at 1:36 PM EST

Unless you live in the back of beyond, chances are that you see the Milky Way as little more than an abstract concept. Hidden from much of the world's population by light pollution, you know it's out there, but it's something you've probably only really seen in photos.
In some parts of the world, though, you can see our galaxy with the naked eye on a moonless night. One such place is sparsely-populated -- and starkly beautiful -- Kazakhstan. That's where Moscow-based photographer Denis Frantsouzov headed last month for a two-week vacation.
Frantsouzov spent much of his fortnight in western Kazakhstan's Mangyshlak Peninsula traveling, swimming, and offroading, but at night he devoted his energies to stargazing -- and capturing the beauty of the night sky, free from pollution, on his Canon EOS 5D Mark II and Mark III DSLRs. The 5D III sported a 16-35mm zoom, while the 5D II bore a 24mm prime.
And boy, are we ever glad that he took his camera gear with him, because the results are truly hypnotic. Watch Frantsouzov's bewitching, five-minute timelapse video "Amazing Kazakhstan" above, and we're pretty sure you'll agree!
(via io9)