This clip from HBO’s Veep pretty much sums up what owning a camera is all about
posted Monday, June 9, 2014 at 2:32 PM EST

For some, it is incredibly important to own the best, most expensive and most technological advanced photographic gear, independent of whether they are actually able to use it – or whether they're using it at all. Others, however, concentrate on finding the best gear for the job at hand, not the best that money can buy. The former attitude is especially prevalent in online fora, where users regularly go at war against each other for their respective camera and lens choices.
This short snippet out of an episode of HBO's comedy series Veep, which revolves around the political 'adventures' of fictional Vice President Selina Meyer, pretty much sums up these entirely contradicting attitudes towards owning a camera, in a matter of seconds. Discussing their respective choice of camera, the V.P.'s official lip-reading photographer and Jonah, the sniveling creep from the President's office, demonstrate with impressive effectiveness what the difference is between owning camera and using one.
(via The Phoblographer)