UPDATED - Panasonic LX100 gallery: The world’s first Four Thirds fixed lens camera goes walkabout
posted Monday, October 13, 2014 at 4:21 PM EST

[Update 10-15-14: Based on the popularity of this camera and several reader requests we've now updated our LX100 gallery. Thanks to Ilias G. for suggesting mechanical shutter, a 3:2 aspect ratio and adding the extended ISO 100 (note: "extended" must be enabled in the menu in order to access ISO 100). We've also added several comparison shots using mechanical shutter and electronic shutter for a side-by-side comparison of a high contrast image ("SHTR" in title), a brief outdoor aperture series (f/2.8. 5.6, 11) and lastly addressed a reader email asking for an indoor shot at f/1.7.]
Last Monday we brought you our initial lab test images from the Panasonic LX100, an offering aimed squarely at the Sony RX100 series market, and from the response on our site there is clearly a great deal of interest out there from many of our readers.
We therefore wanted to waste no time in getting you an initial batch of real-world gallery images. In the gallery you'll find indoor shots, outdoor shots, a variety of ISOs and even a small taste of Disney On Ice (sorry, but I already ate that piece of sea bass or I'd let you taste that too).
Our LX100 sample unit will travel next to our Knoxville offices and reviewer Mike Tomkins, so stay tuned for the full monty coming shortly. In the meantime here are a few gallery images resized to fit this page to get you started. Clicking on any of them will take you to a carrier page where you can access EXIF data and the full resolution image.
[quick links: Panasonic LX100 • Gallery • Lab Samples • LX100 vs RX100 III]