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Nikon launches season 2 of its Behind the Scenes educational video series
posted Monday, November 10, 2014 at 8:54 AM EST

Earlier this year, Nikon launched its Behind the Scenes video series featuring useful photography tips and tricks from professional photographers Joe McNally, Corey Rich and Tamara Lackey. The series consisted of 15 short videos that covered topics such as lighting, time-lapse photography, video and more. Following up on the popular first season that has seen more than 340,000 views, the series has now started into its second season, with new photographers and new topics.
Season 2 of Nikon's Behind the Scenes series features photographers Cliff Mautner and Andrew Hancock, who'll be demonstrating techniques for intermediate level photographers to take their photography to the next level. It will comprise ten videos (five less than the first season, presumably owed to the lack of a third presenter) that will cover topics related to the two photographers' fields of expertise, wedding and sports photography.
The first video of the second season features wedding photographer Cliff Mautner, who explains how to turn "bad" (e.g. harsh) light into "good" light when shooting wedding portraits. You can watch the video below, but here's a little spoiler of what we can take away from it: don't let the sun shine directly into the couple's faces (think of squinting as well as harsh shadows and overexposed areas,) but rather do the unthinkable, and photograph the couple against the sunlight.
New episodes of the series will be posted every couple of weeks over on Nikon's YouTube channel, so make sure to subscribe or check it out regularly so you don't miss out on any of the episodes. Oh, and of course, you can make use of the technique demonstrated in the videos with any camera brand, not just with Nikon gear.