Magix Fastcut: Video editing tailored to action camera fans’ needs
posted Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 1:38 PM EST

Action cameras like the mighty GoPro series are everywhere these days, but not every action cam owner knows how to edit their footage post-capture. Case in point: Take a look at YouTube, and alongside the incredibly glossy GoPro trailers, you'll find tens of thousands of hours of raw, unedited footage from all manner of action cameras. Some of it is still mighty interesting, but it'd receive a whole lot more interest if edited down to the highlights.
Now, German software maker Magix has what it believes to be the solution: A simple, user-friendly video editor tailored specifically to action cam users. You can get a good feel for Magix Fastcut in the introductory video below, but in a nutshell, it offers just the features you're likely to want when quickly editing your GoPro or other action camera footage. That includes lens distortion correction, stabilization, color / brightness / contrast control, highlight recovery, and even rotation so you can correct video shot at an awkward angle.
Throw in a raft of automatic controls for these and other features, plus optional movie presets that cut and assemble your source video automatically before setting it to music for you, and there's really no excuse to bulk upload your out-of-camera footage to YouTube any more. Priced at US$50 for an unstated introductory period, Magix Fastcut carries list pricing of US$70 and is available immediately.

More details can be found on the Magix website.