Video shares great advice on how to set your pricing, ‘charge what you’re worth’
posted Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 5:02 PM EST

One of the most difficult aspects of going pro in photography is determining what you should charge for your work. Whether a wedding or commercial shoot, every genre of photography has its own quirks that contribute to what you need to charge to make a profit and come out after a project with a smile on your face.
Here to help guide you through just a few basics behind setting your price point and making a bid is Joel Grimes. In the ten minute video, he throws out just a few of the things you need to take into consideration when trying to figure out what you should be charging.
Specifically, he boils everything around the idea of finding your place in the market. No matter what you’re shooting, there will be people who are willing to only shell out $500 for an assignment and people who are willing to shell out $50k. It’s your job to determine where in that slider of costs you fit.
The takeaway quote from this is shared towards the end of the video, where he says:
There’s a slot to fill. Make sure you know where it is you can make a profit and don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth.
Whether you’ve been in the business for years or are just looking to dive into it, this little video is a resource you definitely need to keep a hold of.