Receive $30.00 of Amazon Credit with 12-month subscription to Adobe’s Creative Cloud Photography Plan
posted Saturday, December 27, 2014 at 12:10 PM EST

Back in 2013 Adobe unveiled its photographer-oriented subscription plan that gives you Adobe Photoshop CC and Adobe Lightroom for $10/month. An impressive deal on its own, Amazon has decided to sweeten up the subscription by giving away $30 in Amazon Credit if you purchase a 12-month subscription.
Considering the total cost each year for the subscription plan is $120, this $30 credit rebate would reflect a 25% discount.
To receive the $30 promotional credit, you must purchase a 12-month subscription for the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan through Amazon before December 30th. Once purchased, the promotional code for the $30 of credit will be sent via email by February 14th, 2015.
(via The Digital Picture)