Flickr rolling out new ‘Camera Roll’ feature for easy browsing and management of photos
posted Friday, February 13, 2015 at 4:11 PM EST

Flickr looks to be testing out a new feature called Camera Roll. Still in beta and not yet live for everyone, Camera Roll is a personal interface within Flickr designed to more effectively help you browse, manage and edit photos and their metadata.
Details on the new feature are scarce, as only one Reddit thread and a single teaser page from Flickr exists. However, from the images Redditor acearchie shared, the small snippets shared from Flickr and a brief interaction with the feature, it looks to be a very welcomed UI change.

Flickr has been mainly a platform for sharing photos since its inception almost eleven years ago to this day. But when Yahoo! announced in May of 2013 that they were giving away a terabyte of storage space for free to everyone, many photographers began using it as an online archival means for their images.

The problem with that is, Flickr was never designed to manage hundreds, if not thousands of images. Up until now, browsing and bulk editing of images has been anything but intuitive. Camera Roll hopes to change that though, with a timeline-centric UI and more efficient bulk-processing methods.

As its ‘beta’ suffix suggests, the feature is still quite buggy for the few users who have access to it. As time goes on though, it’s expected that Flickr will smooth out the kinks and get it running to its full potential.
There doesn’t appear to be any way to expedite receiving the feature, but Flickr’s teaser page says it will be live for everyone ‘very soon’.