Video: Interpretation, not imitation, defines the art of photography
posted Friday, February 13, 2015 at 2:41 PM EST

Photography, like most other arts, is one of interpretation. Put a hundred photographers in a room with a common subject and a hundred different images will be captured, each of which encapsulates the photographer’s internal emotions that are projected onto or within the subject matter.
Continually intrigued by the idea of interpretation, Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography has created a 23-minute video where he dives into the topic. Detailing photographs from some of the most highly regarded photographers to ever live, he takes a look at how many of them often photographed the same objects.
Despite shooting identical objects, these notable photographers each had their own, unique take on the subject matter. From Calla Lilies to the Eiffel Tower, Forbes looks into how each photographer used composition, lighting and other intricacies to capture the interpretation the subject matter led them to.