Fujifilm showcases X100 photographers and images in beautiful new website
posted Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 1:21 PM EST

Since first being shown off at Photokina in September of 2010, Fujifilm’s X100 cameras have made quite an impact in the industry, selling over 100,000 units in just the first nine months alone.
To highlight the work of just a few photographers who own an X100 series camera, Fujifilm has put together X100C, a website dedicated to artists who are ’producing stories & visual essays with the Fujifilm x100 camera bodies.’
Currently, the X100 Collective is made up of nine photographers from five countries: Patrice Michellon, Nicolas Cazard, Benjamin Nwaneampeh, V. Opoku, Bradley Hanson, Carlos Agrazal, Iain Anderson, Sofia Verzbolovskis and Ben Cherry.

Each of the nine artists have their own portfolio page, which shows off their respective work. Some artists have opted for a gallery-style page, while others have dedicated ‘Stories,’ which are essentially photo essays documenting a specific project.

In addition to beautiful photographs, the website itself is beautifully designed. Clean type, simple navigation and large images make it a pleasure to browse through. Head on over to X100C to take a look for yourself.