DailyPhoto.cc – a simple website to submit and critique one photo a day
posted Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 2:31 PM EDT
Meet DailyPhoto.cc, a simple website and accompanying newsletter built around the idea of crowdsourcing one photograph critique a day.
Started on the 22nd of July, 2015, DailyPhoto.CC uploads a single image, submitted by a viewer, to be critiqued via a comments section. Every 24 hours a new image is posted, where it too will be critiqued.
Upon visiting the site, you’re presented with a grid of the most recent images, sorted in reverse chronological order. Upon clicking one, you’ll see the image larger, with a comment box on the right-hand side and any previous comments below the image. You can click the image thumbnail on the page to view it at full resolution.
If you’d like to see one of your images critiqued, DailyPhoto.CC has a submission page, where you can input your information and decide whether you want to post anonymously or have your image linked to your website. You can also include a story behind your photo, if you choose to give a little context.
It would be nice to see at least a little metadata information on the images, as it asks for settings when you’re submitting your image, but the lack of it might be by design, as a means to put the focus on the images themselves, not the gear or settings used to capture the images.
It seems there isn’t much activity on the site now, but with a little help from us and other photo blogs, hopefully we can change that. Sure, there are plenty of other larger platforms to critique images on, such as Flickr, 500px and even Reddit’s r/photocritique, but the simplicity and focus of one image a day is a nice change of pace.
Head on over to DailyPhoto.CC and take a look around for yourself.