Airnef, a free, open-source utility for wirelessly transferring media from your Wifi-equipped Nikon camera
posted Friday, September 18, 2015 at 3:16 PM EST

It’s become all but a standard for manufacturers to include WiFi capabilities in their latest cameras. Companies like Canon and Sony both have their own utilities for using these capabilities to transfer images to computers, but Nikon has been left behind in regards to wireless image transfers. Until now.
Meet Airnef, a free, open-source utility that allows users to transfer images/movies from their WiFi-equipped Nikon cameras to their desktop.
It’s worth noting that Airnef also works for Canon cameras, but considering Canon’s EOS Utility can take care of wireless transfers, it’s aimed specifically at Nikon users.
Written in Python, the app is available on Windows, OSX and Linux computers. Upon downloading the required apps or source code, Airnef presents itself as two separate applications: a GUI front-end and a command-line app.

Using the GUI front-end lets you select what images you want transferred using various filters and thumbnails, then launches the command-line app to perform the action. If you’d rather script your profiles yourself, you can opt to go with the command-line app from the get-go.
One notable feature is a one-button option for transferring all images and video from your camera to your computer, not including any images you’ve previously transferred. To ensure your images transfer as fast as possible, Airnef uses Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), which keeps transfer speeds at roughly 2.5 MB/s.
Below is a brief demonstration of the app in progress:
To read up more and download Airnef for your respective platform, head on over to Airnef’s website.