Travel better: Tips and tricks for your travel photography workflow


posted Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 11:35 AM EDT


Travel photographer Kav Dadfar has written a guide about his travel photography workflow, covering his complete workflow from when he arrives at a destination.

In his On the Road section of the guide, Kav discusses his first steps when arriving somewhere. He unpacks his camera equipment, looks at his shot list (which he prepares before he travels), packs his day bag, plans his route for the day, locks away his valuables in his hotel safe, and then gets his camera ready (card formatted, batteries charged, and lens cap off).

After his day of shooting, Kav follows an evening routine, which includes importing and backing up all of his image files on three different drives. If his camera bag and hard drive get stolen, he'll still have backups in his hotel or in the car. Travelling is a big time and monetary investment, so he makes sure that his images are always safe somewhere in case something happens.


The second batch of my shoot in Texas edited and uploaded. Photo: #Bandera #Texas #USA #cowboys #travelphotography

A photo posted by Kav Dadfar (@dadfar_photography) on

With the day still fresh in his mind, Kav takes a quick look through his images and adds any important location details to the files. Accurate location information is particularly important if you plan to sell the images to stock agencies. Also, looking through his work from the day allows him to see if there are certain places he wants to visit again if there are any aspects of his images that he thinks he could do better. He also uses the evening to plan and prepare for the next day.

Once Kav arrives home, he transfers his images and goes through his post-processing workflow. To see his editing workflow and additional tips for an efficient travel photography workflow, be sure to read the full article

To see more of Kav Dadfar's work, check out his website

(Seen via Digital Photography School. Index image