Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace: Tips & tricks for shooting beautiful portraits with natural light


posted Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 4:00 PM EDT


Studio lighting can offer you a lot of control and versatility, but with their utility also comes associated costs. If you're just getting started with portraiture, the cost for lighting gear can be prohibitive. There's a great light source available for free, the sun. In the latest episode of Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace, he looks at how to shoot portraits with natural light.

Of course, that's not to say that shooting natural-light images is only for beginners. It certainly isn't, many professional photographers utilize natural light in their work because there can be a very lovely look that is difficult and expensive to recreate using artificial light. Below, Wallace shares tips and tricks for how to shoot portraits using natural light, including information on dialing in the proper ISO, aperture and shutter speed. With knowledge, patience and the right situation, any photographer, regardless of access to lighting gear, can capture beautifully-lit portraits.

To see more videos like the one above, head to Adorama's YouTube channel. For more from Mark Wallace, follow him on Instagram.

(Via Adorama