Share your photography with an easy-to-make slideshow inside Adobe Lightroom


posted Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 7:00 AM EDT


For many photographers, an enjoyable part of the photographic process comes near the end, when you are able to share your work with others. While printing can be expensive, showing off your images doesn't have to be. In fact, you can create really nice slideshows – with background music – inside of Adobe Lightroom.

In the video below, Attilio Ruffo goes through the step-by-step process to create a slideshow in Lightroom, including different options you have for visuals and music. A slideshow can be a great way to display not only a general portfolio, but also a specific series of images, such as a themed personal project or images from a trip. Of course, professional photographers can make use of slideshows as well, particularly for sharing many images with clients.

(Via Attilio Ruffo