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Dave's Digicam Wishbook. Dave's Wishbook gets *another* feature!
(Monday, November 12, 2001 - 01:54 EST)

People always ask me what the "best" camera is. You know, the one with the highest Universal Goodness Score. ;-) And I always answer with the question "Best for who or what?"

The fact is, there is no one "best" camera that'd fit everyone and every application. Some people want a camera with every bell and whistle known to man on it, while others want a box with one button and a lens. Big or small? Fancy or simple? Bulletproof for the kids, or ultra-flexible and tuned like a fine watch for Mom and Dad?

While far from comprehensive, I've come up with my take on cameras that fit a variety of needs and users. I've organized a number of the Wishbook cameras into categories of "Cameras For:" - Travel, Small Spaces, Long Shots, Moms, Families, Grandparents, Photo Students, Tight Budgets, and Enthusiasts. Do any of those descriptions fit you? Then check it out, your camera's waiting for you!

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