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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

DigiProofs' logo. Click here to visit the DigiProofs website! PRESS RELEASE: DigiProofs™ Launches Online Proofing Services for Professional Photographers and Labs

Providing Self-Fulfillment and Direct Fulfillment Solutions

Moffett Field, Calif., March 11, 2003 - DigiProofs™, Inc. (www.digiproofs.com), a leading provider of online proofing services launches new online site for professional photographers and labs. The new services provide infrastructures and solutions for professional photographers and labs to expand their business online and capture incremental revenue. Professional photographers or their lab partners will be able to deliver high quality proof images from wedding, corporate, social, sports, or fund raising event. Clients, families, and their guests can view and order prints at any time and from anywhere.

DigiProofs has served the professional markets since 1999 as Event.ClubPhoto.com, a division of Club Photo. It is currently located within NASA Research Park and is focusing exclusively on enhancing online tools, services, and solutions for professional photographers (both digital and film), and their labs. The solutions are tailored to photographers or labs' needs. The services are used to host proofs, generate orders for the photographer or lab to fulfill. Or the service can be used to host proofs, generate order, and deliver the completed orders to the clients' doorstep.

"Professional photographers have unique needs and business concerns. They need services that can complement their process to delight customers, capture new clients, and generate incremental revenue," said Rick Jiloty, Vice President of Sales. "DigiProofs make it possible for professional photographers and their lab partners to expand their businesses online with very little investment and reach both traditional and new customers. It's a great way for them to add new revenues while retaining full control over their businesses."

DigiProofs has been known for its tradition of excellence in customer service. Its simple, understated site is geared to focus attention on the images. Photographers upload proofs of wedding, corporate, social, sports and other event photos online after each event. Clients, their friends, and family can then view the photos online and order the desired prints to be fulfilled according to the methods of photographer's choice.

About DigiProofs

DigiProofs is a leading online photo service provider serving the professional photographers and labs. Established in 1999, DigiProofs have proven history on helping professional photographer generating incremental revenue. The company's integrated infrastructures provide professional photographers solutions of their choice to increase sales through hosting, self-fulfillment, or direct fulfillment services.

Club Photo is located at NASA RESEARCH PARK, Moffett Field, California and can be reached at 650/944-7528 or [email protected]

(First posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 21:15 EST)

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