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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Big Wave's Titan I portable power source. Courtesy of Big Wave Power Inc., with modifications by Michael R. Tomkins. PRESS RELEASE: Portable Power Source That Delivers Power and Recharges Digital Mobile Devices Designed to Last Up to Five Years

HARBOR, Ore., Nov. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Does your household own a portable music player, portable gaming device, digital camera, cell phone, video recorder, PDA, and/or GPS device? Did you know that the lithium-ion batteries powering these devices degrade over time? How do you recharge all these devices when you are on-the-go or have run out of convenient places to plug in?

Big Wave Power Incorporated today introduced the Titan I(TM) portable power source that delivers power and can recharge virtually any DC-power portable electronic device. The Titan I features new power generation technology that prolongs battery life and increases operation performance, providing roughly 10-times the battery life over ordinary lithium-ion based rechargeable batteries.

"The Titan I is ideal for families, mobile professionals, field or sales representatives, or out door enthusiasts since they frequently carry more than one device and can be away from a wall socket for hours on end," said Steve James, CEO, Big Wave Power Incorporated. "Our product can also serve as a universal charging center, eliminating the need for multiple charging adaptors around the house or in travel bags. And to preserve the environment, we designed this product to literally last longer than most people own their devices."

The Titan I can last over 3500 recharge cycles*, which translates into three to five years, depending on usage patterns, longer than any other portable power source on the market. Big Wave Power is using a new power controller mechanism for lithium-ion batteries from Apogee Power, Inc. that prolongs battery life and increases performance.

The Titan I fits into a shirt pocket, weighs only 4.8 ounces and is thinner than a deck of cards, 4.10 x 2.41 x.67 inches. The device can be fully recharged in approximately 2.5 hours and ships with nine adapters, including a USB retractable cross connecter cable for portable game players, digital cameras and more, as well as a USB 6 Volt booster for Nokia cell phones and some portable music players.

The Titan I ships with a 2-year warranty, carries a retail list price (MSRP) of $149.99, and is now available for purchase online at www.bigwavepower.com, www.mac-pro.com, www.shopzilla.com.

More information on additional adapter purchases, accessory purchases, and product availability at retail stores and online, can be found on the Big Wave Power website.

Big Wave Power Incorporated develops aftermarket environmentally friendly rechargeable lithium-ion battery products designed to last.

* Based on GSM test protocol, which simulates the pulse power demands while talking on a GSM cell phone. The lithium ion cell tested maintained 80% of its charge capacity over 3500 cycles.

Big Wave's Titan I portable power source. Courtesy of Big Wave Power Inc., with modifications by Michael R. Tomkins. Click for a bigger picture!

(First posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 09:39 EST)

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