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rn-workflow-lr.jpg PRESS RELEASE: Rocky Nook Publishes 'Managing Your Photographic Workflow with Photoshop Lightroom'

Learn How to Use Lightroom Efficiently

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- Rocky Nook's newest book, Managing Your Photographic Workflow with Photoshop Lightroom, guides the new user through Photoshop Lightroom 1.2, which has more power under the hood than the previous versions, and a little more complexity than one would expect from its fairly straightforward user interface.

With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, a new generation of software tools has arrived. Designed from the ground up specifically for digital photographic post-processing, this powerful new program offers photographers the vast majority of the tools they need all in one place, providing new and easier to use tools for managing and processing images. And, this is the book that will teach you to use Lightroom to its full potential.

With easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations, the authors demonstrate how to use Lightroom to build an efficient photographic workflow. This workflow spans from importing and organizing images, through the development and editing phases, all the way to building presentations for the web and in slideshows; and finally, to the ultimate product -- the fine art print on paper.

About the Authors

Jurgen Gulbins has extensive experience in writing, technology, desktop publishing, designing high-end document archival systems, and digital photography. He is a prolific author who has written and translated books on topics such as CAD, Unix, DTP, typography, the Internet, document management, Linux, and various aspects of digital photography. He has been a passionate photographer most of his life. Juergen currently lives in Germany.

Uwe Steinmuller a native of Germany, has been a photographer since 1973. His first exhibitions were in 1978 in Bremen, Germany with photos from Venice, South Tirol, Germany, and France. He shares a joint copyright with his wife Bettina. Uwe moved to California in 1997 and began working seriously in digital photography in 1999. He currently lives and works in San Jose. He has written a number of books, two of which won the prestigious, German, "Fotobuchpreis" award in 2004 and 2005. Uwe is the man behind outbackphoto.com, a popular website covering quality outdoor photography using digital cameras.

The $29.95 title is available for $19.97 through the Imaging Resource Amazon affiliate program at a 34 percent discount.

(First posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 11:38 EST)

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