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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Phoozl's logo. Click here to visit the Phoozl website! PRESS RELEASE: Phoozl is Here!

Phun (Fun) Photo Games & More

Somewhere in Virginia, Summer 2010 -- Ph... what? Introducing Phoozl: a new idea in photography and in interactive photo-based activities.

Aimed at photo enthusiasts of all levels, Phoozl is a website destination or portal that provides a safe place to have fun with photos and photography (and other visual arts). The core of Phoozl is the many online Flash or "videogames" organized in different categories and totaling about 30 at release time. This list of games, including five "Phoozl-Original" games, will continue to expand. Games range from puzzles to quizzes to "click mysteries" to "first-person-shooters" and other unique categories.

But Phoozl is more than just online games. There's information and learning, too, in the form of Photo IQ quizzes, Photo Tips from experts, and educational games that even include "brain-training." Plus there will soon be contests, creative challenges, missions, hunts, and "secret events." There is also a PhoozNews blog, and a Community section will be coming online soon.

"I want to emphasize the Phun in Photography," quips Harald Johnson, Phoozl's co-creator. "Photography has its serious side, but it can also be playful and adventurous, too. My goal is to have an intriguing home base where photo enthusiasts can experience a full range of benefits including: Entertainment, Learning, Competition, Creativity, and Community." Phoozl's tagline says it all: "photo games & more."

Photo Games
Have you ever wondered what your Photo IQ is? Phoozl has a game for that. Or how about going on assignment for a photo editor and seeing how many times you can "Get the Shot"? Phoozl has a game for that. Or trying to match faces as they flash in front of you in a puzzle challenge? Phoozl has a game for that, too (Face Match). In fact, Phoozl has multiple games in six different game categories, and there's going to be one or more that you will not be able to resist playing. Here's just one example...

You and your friends are dropped into 10 unknown locations around the world. Your task is to name the country you are in, and all you have to go on is a photo and a couple of hints. How correctly (and speedily) can you answer the question: "Where Are We?" Well, why don't you find out by playing the Phoozl-Original game of the same name? See if you can rack up a High Score. You can play that game at:


Inside Phoozl
Phoozl is the invention of Harald Johnson, Richard Marks, and some adventurous friends and colleagues. "I'm the front man, the Phoozlomo, the Face of Phoozl," jokes Harald. "But I've got a team of helpers and advisors in the background. They keep me from getting too wild and crazy."

Launching quietly on the Easter weekend in honor of the Easter Egg hunt, which Harald calls The Perfect Game, Phoozl is a "public beta," he explains. "While it's a live website, it's definitely not 'done' yet, and there will be tons of tweaking and improving happening from now on as input and feedback come in from real viewers and players – whom we call 'Phoozleers'. In fact, we encourage comments and suggestions from photo enthusiasts about future games or improvements to the site and to the state of Phoozldom."

To become a Phoozleer and start Phoozling, visit: http://www.phoozl.com

About "Phoozl"
What does the word mean? Phoozl came to its creators in a dream in a bright photo-flash of enlightenment... OK, forget that. Phoozl is an invented word; a neologism. Like "Google." Like "Kodak." But "Phoozl" is Phoozl for a reason. You can read about it in the first blog post on Phoozl.com, but here's the recipe summary: Take Photo. Add a dash of Puzzle. Season generously with Learning. Serve on a Cool platter. And that's Phoozl.
(Phoozl is a registered USPTO trademark. Registered June 29, 2010.)

About Harald Johnson
Harald Johnson has been immersed in the worlds of photography as well as commercial and fine-art imaging and printing for more than 30 years. A former professional photographer, designer, creative director, and publisher, Harald is an imaging and marketing consultant, the creator of the website DP&I.com (www.dpandi.com), and the author of the groundbreaking books, Mastering Digital Printing: The Photographer's and Artist's Guide to High-Quality Digital Output (2003) and Mastering Digital Printing, Second Edition (2005). Harald is also the founder of YahooGroup's digital-fineart, the world's largest online discussion group on the subject of digital fine art and digital printing. He lives somewhere in the woods of Virginia, USA.

About Richard Marks
As Phoozl's legal and business affairs counsel, Richard brings more than 30 years of experience as a Hollywood entertainment attorney representing major studios as well as independent production and distribution companies in all aspects of the development, financing, production, marketing, sales and distribution of feature films, network and cable television programming, direct-to-home entertainment production and animated production. Gaming is his tangent. He lives under the Hollywood sign in L.A.

Early Reviews for Phoozl:

"Loved the game [Photo IQ]... Not so much my IQ!! Finally a site dedicated to photo games!!!!"

-- Camillia

"Thanks for creating something totally different!"

-- Nish

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(First posted on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 19:22 EDT)

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