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Olympus C-3020 Zoom

A bargain-priced, full featured 3 megapixel model from Olympus!

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Page 8:Operation & User Interface

Review First Posted: 2/16/2002

Operation and User Interface
The C-3020's user interface has a similar layout to previous Camedia digicams, so I had no problem adjusting to the camera. For users who are not familiar with Olympus' typical control layout, I don't think you'll spend too much downtime learning how to use the camera, as the control layout is very simple, and the menu screens very straightforward. A turn of the Mode dial quickly sets the camera's main operating mode, and a handful of external control buttons change the most basic exposure settings. I liked the inclusion of the Custom button, which lets you assign a frequently used exposure variable to an external button control, helping you avoid fishing through the LCD settings menu to change a frequently-used setting. The status display panel on top of the camera is also useful, as it lets you check on a variety of camera settings and work without the LCD monitor enabled. (This saves a lot of battery power, as the 3020 has very low power consumption when the LCD monitor is turned off.) The multiple funcionts of each of the external control buttons is a plus too (particularly the Custom button), simplifying the interface by not crowding the back panel with too many buttons. The LCD menu system includes four pages of settings, but is pretty straightforward to navigate. Though the printed instruction manual is a little basic, it provides everything you need to know to operate the camera. (More in-depth instructions are included on the software CD.)

Control Enumeration

Zoom Lever
: Encircling and projecting in front of the Shutter button on the camera's top panel, this lever controls the optical and digital zoom in any record mode.

In Playback mode, the zoom lever controls the digital enlargement of captured images. Zooming out past the furthest "W" position calls up an index display page.

Shutter Button
: Resting in the center of the Zoom control, this button sets focus and exposure when halfway pressed, and fires the shutter when fully pressed.

Mode Dial
: Directly behind the Shutter button and Zoom lever, this notched dial controls the camera's operating mode. Settings include Playback, Off, Program AE, A/S/M/My Image, and Scene Program.

Diopter Adjustment
: Hidden on the left side of the optical viewfinder eyepiece, this notched dial adjusts the focus of the optical viewfinder view to accommodate eyeglass wearers.

Flash/Erase Button
: Situated on the right side of the viewfinder eyepiece, this button cycles through the main flash modes in any record mode (Auto, Red-Eye Reduction, Off, and Fill-In).

In Playback mode, this button displays the Erase menu, allowing you to delete the currently displayed image.

Macro/Spot Metering/DPOF Button
: Just below the Flash/Erase button, this button accesses the Macro and Spot Metering modes in any record mode.

In Playback mode, this button displays the DPOF settings menu, allowing you to mark an image for printing. You can also specify the number of copies to be printed, whether or not the date is imprinted onto the image, or you can crop the frame.

Four Way Arrow Keypad
: This keypad of four buttons features an arrow in each direction and is located at the top of the camera's back panel. These arrows navigate through settings menus to select menu options.

In all exposure modes except for Manual, the right and left buttons control the exposure compensation. In Aperture and Shutter Priority modes, the up and down arrows change the aperture and shutter speed settings, respectively. In Manual mode, the right and left arrows adjust the shutter speed. When Manual Focus is enabled, the up and down arrows change the focus distance.

In Playback mode, the right and left arrows scroll through captured images and movies. When a captured image has been digitally enlarged, all four arrows navigate within the enlarged view.

OK/Menu Button
: Adjacent to the top right corner of the LCD monitor, this button brings up the settings menu in any camera mode. It also acts as the "OK" button to confirm menu selections.

In any record mode, pressing and holding this button displays the focus control menu, which allows you to select auto or manual focusing. A distance scale appears when manually adjusting focus.

Display Button
: Beneath the OK / Menu button, this button turns the LCD display on or off in any record mode.

AE Lock/Custom/Protect Button
: The final button on the back panel, this can be set to control either AE Lock or another function when in any record mode. When set to AE Lock, this button locks the exposure until the Shutter button is fully pressed or the AE Lock button is pressed again. Through the settings menu, this button can be set to control any other menu function.

In Playback mode, this button marks the currently displayed image for write-protection. It also removes write-protection.

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