Apple reveals global ‘Shot on iPhone 6’ advertising campaign and gallery

by Gannon Burgett

posted Monday, March 2, 2015 at 12:49 PM EDT


Apple has unveiled a new advertising campaign and accompanying gallery, titled ‘Shot on iPhone 6’. As the name suggests, the campaign will feature photographs from 77 different artists, whose work will be displayed on billboards and posters in 70 cities, across 24 countries to showcase the camera capabilities of Apple's flagship smartphone.

Unlike other advertising campaigns, these photographers weren’t hired, nor were the photographs commissioned by Apple. Instead, Apple sorted through thousands of images published online by iPhone 6/6+ owners and narrowed it down to a small collection, which is currently being featured via a dedicated gallery on Apple’s site.

Alongside each image, Apple has included the reason for selecting the photograph, as well as tips for shooting similar images with your iPhone.

Apple also highlights the apps artists used to edit their images. The list includes: VSCO Cam, Snapseed, Mextures, Camera+, and Instagram, just to name a few.

Below are a handful of images from Apple’s gallery:

Shot by Shan L. in San Francisco, CA. Sometimes the best shots aren’t planned. The bird flying through this photo adds a sense of scale and surprise to an iconic view, making the whole composition more interesting.
Shot by Sarah P. in White Sands, NM. Capturing people in nature shots can help define the scale of the setting and make it more compelling. The silhouettes in this photo amplify the desert’s vastness and turn an ordinary landscape into a story.
Shot by Kim G. in El Calafate, Argentina. Aligning elements along the imaginary lines dividing an image into thirds — the way the trees, glacier, and mountains are seen here — can bring balance to a composition.
Shot by Jun I. in Tokyo, Japan. Capturing opposing subjects together, like the manmade overpass and the natural element provided by the trees in this photo, helps create a compelling contrast.
Shot by Hattan A. in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Focusing on the patterns in a scene, like the one created by this hallway, can produce a striking element of visual interest.
Shot by Gabby K. in Snoqualmie Pass, WA. Soft lighting and a focus on reflections can add a dreamy, ethereal quality to a photo — here, they create the illusion that the subject is almost floating.
Shot by Cole R. in Star Valley Ranch, WY. Establishing a central focal point can have dramatic impact. Here, wispy clouds lead the eye to the hut and create a stronger sense of focus.
Shot by Cielo D. in Alameda, CA. Shooting your subject in a reflection — like the one on this wet street — can make a simple scene seem surreal and surprising.
Shot by Brendan Ó. in Copenhagen, Denmark. Shooting from an unexpected angle can add an interesting twist. Here, it creates contours in the lines that convey a sense of movement to the viewer.

(via PetaPixel)

Image credits: All photographs courtesy of Apple.


Update: Apple has started to hang the billboards from this campaign. Below are a few tweets from around the world showing the massive prints being installed.