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Fuji's FinePix 2600 Zoom digital camera. Courtesy of FujiFilm, with modifications by Michael R. Tomkins. DCRP reviews FinePix 2600 Zoom!
(Sunday, November 11, 2001 - 21:39 EST)

Fuji's low-cost 2 megapixel, 3x optical zoom digicam - what does Jeff think?

Our good friend Jeff Keller at the Digital Camera Resource Page has posted a full review of Fuji's FinePix 2600 Zoom digital camera, a low-cost unit with a 2 megapixel CCD image sensor and a 3x optical zoom. Jeff concludes:
"I think the interest in Fuji's FinePix 2600 Zoom is justified. It's a fine, entry-level optical zoom camera. While it's fairly limited when it comes to manual controls, it's intuitive menus make it very easy to use. The photo quality is quite good, and it's nice to have a 3X optical zoom on a $299 camera. Also, I appreciate Fuji including both a large SmartMedia card as well as rechargeable batteries with the camera. On the downside, the playback mode is limited, and there is noticeable shutter lag. Overall though, I think the camera is a good buy, considering what you get for a low price."
If you're considering the FinePix 2600Z as your next digicam purchase (it seems a lot of people are, not surprisingly given the low cost and inclusion of an optical zoom), be sure to read Jeff's review for the whole story along with the usual array of sample images...

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