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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

IDC's logo. Click here to visit the IDC website! PRESS RELEASE: IDC Study Identifies Next Wave of Digital Camera Buyers

FRAMINGHAM, Mass., Nov. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Digital still cameras remain hot with consumers eager to instantly capture and view life's precious moments. According to a recent IDC survey of more than 1,000 U.S. consumers, 28% of respondents intend to purchase a digital still camera within the next twelve months.

IDC's new study, Emerging Digital Photography Opportunities: A U.S. Consumer Study and Cluster Analysis, examines near term demand-side market drivers for the U.S. consumer digital camera market, and identifies and profiles clusters of U.S. consumers who represent the next wave of digital camera buyers. "What makes this research unique is the grouping of potential digital camera buyers into four clusters, each comprised of four distinct groups, to help identify purchasing trends and establish accurate profiles of the most likely buyers," says Chris Chute, senior analyst for IDC's Digital Imaging team. "These profiles make potential buyers much easier to reach."

The market for digital imaging is becoming ultra-competitive. "It's critical for players in this market to develop products, partnerships, services, marketing strategies, and pricing to reach the most desirable clusters," says Ron Glaz, program manager for IDC's Digital Imaging team.

Key Findings

Digital camera buyers are price sensitive, value conscious, trend conscious, fashion conscious, and gadget/technology oriented.

The study demonstrates that likely digital camera buyers will be more motivated to buy a digital camera knowing that digital images can be displayed on a TV, printed using a PC-less photo quality printer, or printed at traditional film developer outlets.

The first wave of digital camera owners bought their devices based on camera features, and the study quantifies the relative importance of price and camera features for second purchases.

Likely digital camera buyers capture more images per month on their film cameras than unlikely buyers.

Prospective digital camera buyers are generally more active than their less-likely-to-buy counterparts, and have significant life events looming on the horizon.

IDC surveyed more than 1,000 potential digital camera buyers at 50 malls located throughout the U.S. Potential buyers are defined as adults 18 years or older who use a camera (film or digital) several times a year. In addition to the cluster analysis, all analysis compares and contrasts likely and unlikely buyers of digital cameras within the next 12 months.

To purchase this study, Emerging Digital Photography Opportunities: A U.S. Consumer Study and Cluster Analysis, call IDC's sales hotline at 508-988-7988 or email Jim Nagle at [email protected].

About IDC

IDC is the foremost global market intelligence and advisory firm helping clients gain insight into technology and ebusiness trends to develop sound business strategies. Using a combination of rigorous primary research, in- depth analysis, and client interaction, IDC forecasts worldwide markets and trends to deliver dependable service and client advice. More than 700 analysts in 43 countries provide global research with local content. IDC's customers comprise the world's leading IT suppliers, IT organizations, ebusiness companies, and the financial community. Additional information can be found at www.idc.com.

IDC is a division of IDG, the world's leading IT media, research and exposition company.

All product and company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

(First posted on Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 17:59 EST)

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