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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

D200Cover640v.jpg PRESS RELEASE: New eBook Reveals Nikon D200 Secrets

DigitalSecrets announces the release of the latest and most elaborate eBook in the DSLR series. The new eBook, DSLR: Nikon D200 by Peter iNova and Uwe Steinmueller tackles the 10 MP Nikon D200 camera, revealing its many secrets and disclosing the numerous cutting edge features of the camera in a way professionals and advanced enthusiast photographers will appreciate.

Unlike prior eBooks, the Nikon D200 title is in a new screen-filling horizontal format with a great number of interactive images that emphasize, animate, compare and illustrate the science, technology and art of digital photography. Embedded in the pages of the PDF eBook are movies that illustrate sequential operations, complex menu choices and time-lapse scenes shot with the camera.

"We take the view that for a camera this advanced, the chief editing program for its owners is Photoshop, and we have included a vast array of Photoshop Actions customized to the D200," said Peter iNova, lead writer and designer of the eBook. "Our catalog of Photoshop Actions has grown. In this package, the count has gone well above 600 individual Actions, each performing a correction, enhancement, conversion or useful tweak to D200 images. Many new ones have joined the list, and all have been cleaned, oiled and adjusted for the D200. There's even a whole chapter of image enhancements you can perform with Photoshop Elements for photographers learning how to edit with that program."

As with previous eBooks in the DSLR series, High Resolution and Ultra Resolution PDF files give the reader 200% and 400% viewing on Windows and Mac computers with Adobe Reader software, which is included on the CD for both platforms. Images are far higher in quality than any printed book or magazine. One can zoom far into the images before running out of pixels for critical comparisons of example photos. Some illustrations are up to 28 layers deep, allowing interactive control of different illustrated relationships like depth of field, the effect of camera adjustments and custom image quality selections. Groups of pages may be printed horizontally on letter paper.

The core Camera Operations chapter features 19 pages of detailed information on selected Nikkor lenses appropriate to the D200 with commentary on their quality, approximate current prices and feature details. Even the two latest Nikkors, the 18-135mm DX and 70-300mm VRII are included.

In a completely novel optical revelation, information is provided about adapting legacy Nikon fisheye optics to the D200 without camera modification. The results are high quality full-circle fisheye images with 184-degree views and nearly infinite depth of field.

Another scoop reveals how to remotely trigger SB-800 Nikon Speedlights wirelessly and repeatedly, up to 50 flashes per second, through the camera's extensive flash features plus some essential know-how.

"Nikon's manual is excellent at explaining what each button and menu item is," said iNova, "so we dig into what each feature and setting can achieve in solving real-world photographic issues. There are many things in this camera that can be combined with each other to produce new kinds of images. Many photographic techniques are simply beyond the horizon of the instruction manual. Real photographs are a combination of the photographer, the camera, the lens and the processes that finish the image. It's not just about the camera."

Esoteric techniques are explored like multiple exposures, 3D imaging, infrared shooting, multi-shot panoramics, exotic flash methods, long exposure zooming, using the white balance circuits to create strong color filter effects and even professional considerations for the digital darkroom's equipment list. A Web-hyperlinked interactive Appendix brings resources to the reader from around the world, and a 38-page D200 Gallery shows a wide range of images, treatments, lenses, challenges and results.

A complete separate 146-page volume, RAW Materials by Uwe Steinmueller gives insight into RAW shooting, interpretation of images by various software packages including Apple's Aperture and Adobe's Lightroom.

DSLR: Nikon D200. 632 pages. 18 chapters. Two volumes. Includes 624 iNovaFX custom, original Photoshop Actions in 75 groups for PS 6 through CS2 along with instructions for their use. $49.95 plus postage. Published by Graphics Management Press, Los Angeles. Visit http://www.digitalsecrets.net/secrets/D200Now.html to order.

(First posted on Friday, August 25, 2006 at 17:48 EDT)

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