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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

PRESS RELEASE: JOBO AG Announces Firmware Updates to GIGA Vu PRO evolution Image Storage Device

Las Vegas, NV (March 2, 2007) - JOBO AG announces firmware updates to its award-winning GIGA Vu PRO evolution digital image storage and viewing device. The new J.D. Loupe (the brain child of National Geographic photographer and loyal GIGA Vu PRO evolution user Jay Dickman) provides users of this mobile image storage device with a button in the unit's zoom menu that causes a magnified rectangular loupe to appear on the LCD screen so photographers can closely examine important details of their pictures.

In addition there is a new easy-to-use one-touch-software-update called Incremental Back-up (the brain child of wildlife photographer and loyal GIGA Vu PRO evolution user Andy Rouse). This update allows users who transfer the data stored on their GIGA Vu PRO evolution via Incremental Back-up to an external storage device such as the JOBO GIGA one, to automatically synchronize the data on both devices with just one touch. The new data will be added to the external device without deleting any already existing data on the device.

"Simplified operation and professional reliability remain key factors in these newly announced firmware enhancements," said Johannes Bockemuehl-Simon, JOBO's CEO. "Since its introduction in 2006, the GIGA Vu PRO evolution has been recognized as an award-winning idea whose time has come. I am pleased to announce these enhancements that benefit the serious photographers who have embraced this unit as part of their daily workflow."

JOBO is a family-owned company now in its third generation of family leadership. Having been founded in 1923, it has built up a reputation for quality, professionalism, and commitment. These core values remain their keys for continuous success in times of vast technological changes, growing markets, and globalization.

Through innovation and ingenuity JOBO has created standards within the imaging industry. For example, JOBO created the product class of small-volume, high-quality photo processors. And NASA pictures of the first flight to the moon (Apollo 11) were processed using JOBO equipment.

JOBO is also one of the first exhibitors of the most important photo trade shows in the world - photokina, founded in 1950. Since then, close interaction with photo dealers and end users has been critical in making JOBO an indisputable market leader in the world of photography.

(First posted on Monday, March 5, 2007 at 17:41 EST)

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