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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Kingston's logo. Click to visit Kingston's website! PRESS RELEASE: Wildlife Photographer Offers Tips to Capture Perfect Vacation Photos on 'Look Who's Using Kingston'

John Hyde Trusts Kingston Flash Memory to Photograph Alaskan Wolves and Orcas

Fountain Valley, CA. - June 13, 2007 - Kingston Technology Company, Inc., the independent world leader in memory products, today announced that world-class nature and wildlife photographer John Hyde will be the next participant to share how he uses Kingston® Flash memory on the company's 'Look Who's Using Kingston' microsite. Hyde discusses how he captures the majestic beauty of Alaska's national parks and the wildlife, including native Alaskan wolves, birds and orcas. Hyde also offers insightful tips on how consumers can take their own beautiful photos during visits to national parks and other outdoor venues.

"I believe that by photographing wildlife and their surroundings, I'm helping to promote awareness of the environment to consumers through posters, fine-art prints, calendars and my Web site (www.wildthingsphotography.com)," said Hyde. "The environment I photograph takes me far from civilization, and using Kingston CompactFlash® Ultimate 4GB memory cards gives me the confidence to know that I will return home with the photographs I created in the wild."

For the past 25 years, Hyde has captured the beauty of Alaska with a primary focus on large predators, marine mammals, recreational sports, glacial formations, and forested and marine environments. His goal is to capture decisive moments combined with a sense of place, portraying the essence of his -- and his subject's -- experiences.

"John's images are simply stunning and give viewers a real sense of what life is like in remote parts of Alaska," said Jaja Lin, Flash marketing manager, Kingston. "Whether they're used by a professional photographer or someone taking family or vacation photos, Kingston products can be counted on to safely capture and preserve those special moments."

The 'Look Who's Using Kingston' microsite shares unique and innovative ways people use Kingston Flash memory to capture images, manage important data or develop new methods to improve their digital workflow. Visitors can go to http://www.kingston.com/look for more details.

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About Kingston Technology Company, Inc.
Kingston Technology Company, Inc. is the world's largest independent manufacturer of memory products. Kingston designs, manufactures and distributes memory products for desktops, laptops, servers, printers, and Flash memory products for PDAs, mobile phones, digital cameras, and MP3 players. Kingston has manufacturing facilities in California, Malaysia, Taiwan, China and sales offices in the United States, Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Taiwan, China, and Latin America. For more information, please call (800) 337-8410 or visit www.kingston.com.

(First posted on Friday, June 15, 2007 at 08:54 EDT)

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