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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

PRESS RELEASE: PMA’s Digital Life Expo Gears Up for June

Over 100 exhibitors will showcase their latest developments in imaging technology and innovation at the PMA Digital Life Expo to be held Friday 4th to Sunday 6th June at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

In addition to the enormous range of cameras on offer today, major exhibitors, such as Panasonic, Hewlett Packard, Apple and Samsung, will feature key digital consumer products and illustrate how the modern camera integrates with today’s electrical appliances. It will also feature the first demonstrations of how the latest 3D cameras can be connected to the new generation 3D television sets.

This ‘connectivity” theme will also be the subject of a major educational push in the show’s Picture Place Theatre. This is an open seating area located on the exhibit floor and the rolling 30 minute talks can be attended by anyone at the show at no charge. The lecture program features talks covering everything from photo applications for iPhones right through to how to safely archive, find and retrieve your photos.

The main show theme is “Bring Your Photos to Life” and free lecture programs will give helpful advice on new ways to present and print your images. The objective it to ensure that consumers discover how to better enjoy the many thousands of digital pictures they may shoot in a single year.

For those enthusiasts that want to learn how to improve their photo after it has been taken, Adobe has created a “Visual Light Education Zone” on the show floor. Here show visitors will be able to discover from top experts the secrets of digital manipulation and image enhancement.

Show organisers are also urging visitors to bring their cameras as there will be much to see and photograph. A special “Bring Your Photos to Life” photo workshop will be led by well known photographer Shelton Mueller. People who bring their cameras will get free hands-on tuition in a special studio set up. In the tuition process, participants will be directly involved in the lighting and posing techniques used by master photographers.

As well as learning something about the skills needed to be a good photographer, visitors, will be able to check out just what it takes to be an award winning professional. Show visitors will be able to quietly walk into the judging rooms for the 2010 Australian Professional Photographer of the Year contest and hear for themselves the comments from the judges as the assess the work submitted by top professionals from around Australia. The remarks from the judges are an important lesson in just what it is needed to create an award winning photograph.

In addition to the Professional Photographer of the Year judging, over a thousand photos will be on display in the “Digital Life Photo Gallery”. This diverse range of images covers everything from the work of camera club members and professional photographers to the shots taken by the staff who work in photo stores.

Adding to the buzz on the show floor will be the live broadcast studio of Melbourne’s top-rating 3AW radio show which will be using the occasion to interview top photographers and give listeners some helpful hints to take better photos. Television stations are also planning to cover the event which, for photography enthusiasts and professionals, is the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere.

Said PMA Director Peter Rose, “This is the most exciting and diverse show we have ever staged in Australia. In fact, it is hard to think of any event around the world that encompasses such a wide range of imaging activity for both industry and consumer interests.

“Anyone with a serious interest in imaging should be sure to attend this event.”

Attendance is free if pre-registered or with a free pass supplied by your photo retailer or by visitingwww.pmaaustralia.com.au

(First posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 20:28 EDT)

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