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Olympus C-211 Zoom

Have your cake and eat it too! - 2 megapixels worth of digital photos, and a built-in Polaroid printer!

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Page 10:Image Storage & Interface

Review First Posted: 9/25/2000

Image Storage and Interface
The C-211 uses SmartMedia memory cards and comes packaged with an 8MB card. You can upgrade to sizes as large as 64MB. We like the Camedia C-211 Zoom's file naming protocol, which can progressively number each image, and includes the month and day at the beginning of the file name. This is helpful in determining when your photos were taken, even if they've never been organized.

You can protect the SmartMedia cards by placing a write protection sticker over a specific spot on the card. Stickers can only be used once and must be clean to be effective. Additionally, the C-211 allows you to write-protect individual images by pressing the Digital Telephoto/Protect button on the back panel while in Playback mode. It's important to note that write-protecting individual images does not prevent them from being deleted when the card is reformatted.

The C-211 is also packaged with interface software and a USB cable for speedy connection to both Mac and Windows based computers. Unfortunately, our test unit didn't include the software package, so we weren't able to time the data transfer rate. (USB camera connections generally operate at 250-500KB per second, fast enough that you probably won't need to buy an external card reader.)

Following are the approximate resolution/quality and compression ratios for an 8MB card (compression numbers based on our own computations):

Image Capacity vs
High Resolution Images 1 5 16
1:1 4:1 12:1
Standard Resolution Images N/A 32 82
N/A 4:1 9:1

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