wilsonpettit's reviews

  • Olympus 50mm f/1.8 OM F.Zuiko

    9 out of 10 points and recommended
    not much

    Strengths: Sharp, even at f/1.8, gorgeous bokeh, cheap a sin (or so cheap it ought to be a sin, take your pick), built very solidly, small and light, renders light beautifully.

    Weaknesses: OM mount is film-only so you'll need a mount adapter for digital, no autofocus (obviously) so you'll have to MF through the tiny viewfinders on today's DSLRs.

    Bottom Line:
    Wow, what an amazing lens for the price of a pizza delivery! I'm using it mounted to an Olympus E-300 digital (8 megapixel) with an OM adapter bought on eBay for half the price of a pizza delivery.

    The lens renders light beautifully. Contrast and tonality are subtle and lovely, while in-focus areas are sharp. Bokeh is lovely. To a one, images from this lens have a timeless, clasic look that you don't often see anymore--even the "snapshots," especially at f/1.8.

    I'm more than happy to sacrifice autofocus to have the opportunity to shoot a lens like this on a modern digital body. What a joy!

    http://www.hitsticker.com | http://www.printradiant.com | http://www.adstateagent.com

    reviewed December 2nd, 2015 (purchased for $25)