Fujifilm X-A3 Field Test Part I

Great image quality for the price, but there are some tradeoffs

by Jeremy Gray |

The Fujifilm X-A3 slots in as one of the more affordable interchangeable lens X-series cameras from Fujifilm. The camera includes consumer-oriented features such as a simplified control layout, touchscreen "selfie" display and a bevy of in-camera creative shooting modes. Considering its entry-level price point, the X-A3 still offers a lot of image quality performance for the price, and the X-series lenses are very versatile. Let's take a look at how the X-A3 handles in the real world.

The X-A3 is compact and easy to use, but the display is poor in bright light
The Fujifilm X-A3 is a fairly compact mirrorless camera. It has a retro-inspired appearance and shape, and I like the look of it a lot. When it comes to the feel, I'm less smitten with the X-A3. Its front grip is quite small and the faux-leather covering doesn't offer much grip. The plastic body does not convey a particularly rugged camera, which isn't surprising given its low cost. When using a longer lens, such as the XC 50-230mm f/4.5-6.7 OIS, the small front grip makes it hard to keep the camera feeling balanced.

Fujifilm X-A3 Field Test Part II

X-A3 has many virtues, but sub-par video features and performance

by Jeremy Gray |

In the first Fujifilm X-A3 Field Test, I looked at the camera body and handling, image sensor and image quality, autofocus performance and overall performance. The Fujifilm X-A3 has been fairly impressive, although its autofocus is a bit slow in the real world and the continuous shooting performance is not great. The image quality was the real standout, which is what matters most for many users, and the touchscreen proved pretty good too, but difficult to use in bright light.

In this second Field Test, I will be looking at the camera's shooting modes, video quality and performance, and wireless features. I will also revisit some of the camera's performance in a real-world context before wrapping up the Field Test.

Buy the Fujifilm X-A3

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