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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Mommapalooza's logo. Click here to visit the Mommapalooza website! PRESS RELEASE: Mommapalooza parties for new moms launch into an online shop of photobags!

TORONTO, CANADA, October 21, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Mommapalooza launched its website, http://www.mommapaloozagifts.com on October 15, 2009, offering "great gift ideas for mommies and everyone else"! These customized photo purses, bags and accessories are sure to be the most unique gift ideas you've ever seen, and just in time for the holiday gift-giving season.

Mommapalooza's high-quality purses, totes and bags are made of microfibre or leather, sturdy metal hardware and are sure to impress the gift recipient. Gone are the days of wondering what to give to new parents. Everyone will absolutely love Mommapalooza products! The website http://www.mommapaloozagifts.com promotes convenience and efficiency, allowing you to upload your photo and pay by credit card when you shop for these unique gifts. By selecting a purse/bag style and uploading your favourite photo, you're on your way to a beautiful gift that will arrive a month later.

Mommapalooza was the name given to a get-together of new mothers who met regularly while on maternity leave. The hostess and Mommapalooza's founder, Jade Stafford would invite different speakers to share their knowledge and their product to a group of eager moms. Stafford's enthusiasm for the various baby products spread to other mommies and an online business idea was born. Mommapalooza will eventually offer a wide selection of unique gifts. In its infancy stage, Mommapalooza efforts will be focused on the exciting line-up of photo purses, bags and accessories, so that your readers can show off their photos in style!

"My personal enthusiasm towards these photo purses is a major leading force in this new venture. So many people would stop me to compliment or comment on my daughter's photo on my purse. One day I thought 'since I'm essentially marketing these fun products that I truly believe in, why not start a business to share my enjoyment with other moms?' This is how Mommapalooza was born!" says Jade Stafford, owner and founder of http://www.mommapaloozagifts.com. With a Master in Business Administration (MBA) and her experience of being a new mom, Jade is turning her passion for one-of-a-kind mommy gifts into an exciting business idea.

Prices range from $30-$155. Products available online only. Visit http://www.mommapaloozagifts.com to get started on your holiday shopping!

About Mommapalooza
Mommapalooza provides a one-stop shop for all your unique gift-giving needs. Whether you're looking to buy for someone who just had a baby, has a new grandchild, grown children or even a deep love for their pets, these photobags are the ultimate gift. For more information, please visit http://www.mommapaloozagifts.com.

(First posted on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 22:30 EDT)

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