Tokina 24-200mm f/3.5-5.6 AT-X 242 AF

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24-200mm $150
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Buy the Tokina 24-200mm f/3.5-5.6 AT-X 242 AF

(From Tokina lens literature) The AT-X 242 AF is the first lens to start at 24mm and zoom all the way to 200mm, and is currently the widest zoom range available starting at 24mm. It is constructed using a chrome plated brass mount plate and a combination of aluminum and composite lens barrels to reduce weight while maintaining strength and durability.

Optically, the 242 uses high quality optical glass multicoated lens elements created by Hoya Corporation, the world�s largest manufacturer of optical glass. Two Aspherical lens elements and one SD (super low dispersion) glass element are employed in the optical design to insure sharpness across the film plane. The aspherical elements are each molded as one piece of optical glass rather than a resin laminated to a glass core.

An internal focusing mechanism gives this lens fast auto focus. Internal focus means the 72mm filter threads do not move during focusing. This is of great advantage when a special effects filter, such as a circular polarizer, is used. With an internal focusing lens it is not necessary to readjust the position of the filter every time the focus is changed. Focus distance is indicated on the manual focus ring.

Like the rest of the lenses in the AT-X series, The AT-X 242 AF is what is commonly referred to as a parafocal lens, meaning when focus is achieved at a telephoto focal length, it is possible to zoom back to a wide angle and maintain focus on the subject.

Tokina 24-200mm f/3.5-5.6 AT-X 242 AF

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Tokina 24-200mm f/3.5-5.6 AT-X 242 AF User Reviews

6.5/10 average of 4 review(s) Build Quality 8.3/10 Image Quality 6.0/10
  • 6 out of 10 points and recommended by bananitax (86 reviews)

    reviewed June 9th, 2024
  • 3 out of 10 points and recommended by nebelungphoto (17 reviews)
    Built like a tank
    Heavy, screw drive focus on Nikon, would not autofocus on Nikon D90 and newer bodies

    This is a full frame lens. It would not autofocus on any of my Nikon bodies (D90 and newer).

    reviewed March 23rd, 2023 (purchased for $65)
  • 8 out of 10 points and recommended by gadgetguy (62 reviews)
    wide FL range, well-built
    just above average on IQ

    I used this lens years ago on my film SLR (Canon EOS 3) as a walk-around lens. It was a little heavy, but for the convenience, I couldn't complain.

    Provided you don't need to output large prints, this lens should be more than adequate. 24mm is also a nice feature comapred to the (then) 28mm wide offerings of other ultra-zooms.

    This lens is also built VERY well. it doesn't feel cheap at all. In fact, it feels like a really high quality lens.

    reviewed December 14th, 2006
  • 9 out of 10 points and recommended by jeffreenz (3 reviews)
    Huge focal range, considering it is a 24mm rather than 28mm; high quality construction
    edge softness, susceptability to flare, pretty fat and heavy

    You can only compare this lens to other wide focal range walk around lenses. This being said, this is the best of the 2x-200mm lenses around. For this type of lens it is very good but compared to less broad focal range lenses, it would be considered softish, especially at the edges. Color saturation is very good. Mine is in Pentax mount.

    The real advantages of this lens over other similar lenses is that it is a 24mm rather than a 28mm at its widest and the 4mm sure makes a difference. Even with a APS sized DSLR this is a more usable lens because it is wider (36mm-38mm, still a wide angle). I found this more compelling that an additional 100mm at the long end offered in the 28-300mm lenses, which is not nearly as dramatic a difference.

    The other reason for getting this lens, over a Tamron, for example, which I replaced with the Tokina, is the quality of constructin. The Tokina is much sturdier, tighter and, I think, less prone to damage with the large front barrel extension typical of this type of lens. I feel that just about any Tokina will be sturdier than any Tamron or Sigma. I have two wide focal range Tokinas [for different camera makes] which I use a lot and a Tamron [28-200mm] which I no longer use because of its less durable construction.

    reviewed December 27th, 2005 (purchased for $235)